Key Documents for Family Shelter Providers

Document Description
Notice of Emergency Action This document is used by DHS/providers to take emergency action when there is an imminent threat to the health or safety of a client or another person on-site at the facility.
Notice of Suspension This document is used by DHS/providers to suspend do a non-emergency suspension.
Notice of Transfer This document is used by DHS/providers to do a non-emergency transfer.
Housing Stabilization and Exit Plan This document is used by the case manager and client to identify the goals the client would like to achieve and the steps the case manager and client will take together to achieve those goals.
FRSP Application This document is used for clients to apply for the FRSP program.
Unit Viewing Form This document is used to document housing units that clients have viewed.
Release of Information This document allows DHS/FSA to share client information with DHS/FSA partners and government entities listed in the document for the purpose of providing homeless services in accordance with the HSRA.
Family Transfer Summary (TAH/PSH) This link should be used for families who are being transferred to Targeted Affordable Housing (TAH) or Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH).
Family Transfer Summary ( Non-TAH or PSH) This link should be used for families who are being transferred from a program within the continuum that is NOT Targeted Affordable Housing (TAH) or Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). For example, this should be used for transfers between emergency shelters, to transitional housing or when requesting expedited case management for FRSP.